
sunrise, sunset

"We got back to the beach around five, and collapsed upon the softest sand. We laid out and laughed about where we had been and joked about where we were going.Those were the days. Life had treated us well and we were appreciative. We felt invincible. I looked into the sky and whispered to the clouds, "I hope these moments last forever.""

this is life right now. It may not constantly be perfect, but when we slow down and recognize what we really have, we are so fuckin lucky. We can't come back to this time so we have to live it now. live it up. live it well.

live the dream.

These are a series of pure, happy/hilarious/perfect captured moments in my short existence

these photos display...

  • a moment that can take you back to an exact place in time,

  • a perfect natural occurrence,

  • a genuinely happy image, where the subjects radiate contentment,

these are just a few pictures that depict my moments that will last forever


damn... it's been a long day

it's my mama's birthday

we call her dirty diane 69...she's a treat

happy birthday mom, you're the worst and you're the best and you're the only mom I'll ever have and I owe you my life.
despite our ups and downs, i love you unconditionally


Kid Cudi feat. Kanye & Common - "Make Her Say"

Kid Cudi feat. Kanye & Common - "Make Her Say"

this is pleasant and pretty.
me likey.

here we go again


i've been looking back a lot and bein nostalgic and all, but as i do that my views change, old things rearrange, and i'm beginning to agree with this:

"The worst thing is when friends say, ‘Remember the good old days?’ Forget about the good old days! That just makes your present secondhand. What is interesting is now. If you think it was better before, then you might as well commit suicide immediately."

ok so maybe thats a bit harsh and i don't agree 100% because, well, where would we be (especially those who rep my crew) without our pasts?old memories are endlessly entertaining, heartwarming,and glorious...buttt we need to indulge in the present otherwise we wont have any "good old days" to look back upon from here on out.

what we have in the now is a compilation and representation of our "good old days" and it becomes a reflection on the meaning we each individually gather from them.
we can no longer compare our past to our present.

next topic.


trends are interesting. whats more interesting is how we all give in to them, i am seriously guilty.
trends come in so many forms
style, places, humor, websites, music, etc.

i guess i'll give in to the TFLN (texts from last night) trend...

(403): She was so drunk that I kept trying to switch out her wine for water. Sort of like Jesus, but in reverse.

(847): I just tried to put my feet in my slippers and found cans of beer in them. Christmas in fucking july.

(416): I mean she's dancing like an epileptic potato and i'd like to slap her

classy shit right there.

onto bigger and brighter things...

i would do silly, unspeakable things that should not be mentioned, to own these items...brace yourself.

oops...how'd that get here ;p

welll, looks like i need to get another job.

why do i care so much about fashion?
because to me, it is art.
and that is that.